Sunday, January 15, 2012

Snow Bunnies :)

Well, I've dreaded it, hoped it wouldn't come but here it is!!!! Snow in Puyallup. When I open the sliding backdoor the buns will come take a peek. Although this time I nudged a little bit. I wanted bunnies in the snow pictures. But don't worry as soon as I snapped the pics they came back in.
Annabelle lee actually hopped around a little bit, so I brought her in!

Chester let me get a couple of shots he didn't waste time getting back in

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

New Edition

Well yesterday I adopted two female guniea pigs. I found them on Craigslist for free. Their names are Ella and Bella, I had to write down which was which and keep going back to the paper to correct my self! I've had guinea pigs over the years and think they're as much fun as rabbits! I love when they know your going to get them something to eat and they start whistling. Of course nothing sets them off like the crinkling of a bag of whatever. I put them next to the rabbits cage so they can see each other. They are very tame, nothing says "good home" like when a guinea pig will stay put when you go to hold them!

I'm going to purchase a small plastic wading pool so the can have an exercise area. In the past when I did that I would put in tunnels and hiding places. Like rabbits I say better then television watching them run around having a good time!

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Unconditional Love!

To me one of the most sweetest things about rabbits is when they mate. When I brought home Annabelle lee for Chester I must say it went very smooth. In the past I've had other rabbits but never had a mate for any of them. I have read books and looked at web sites for information. Chester I must say in my opinion is one of the most sweetest bunnies I have ever owned, I would like to think that helped?? It's cute to look over at them and to see them grooming each other. I love it when Annabelle Lee stretches out next to him as if to say I'm here! When they have their out of cage times I love it when they chase each other and hop around together and then when they are tuckered out and just stretch out. It really takes the stress out Of a stressful day!!!!!                                                                                            
I would love to hear from other rabbit owners with their stories about mating their bunnies. Like how it went and how they get along!!

Saturday, December 31, 2011

Sick Day

I'm home from work today with a fun cold. I lost my voice and I work with the elderly and the last thing I want to do is repeat myself! I've been enjoying the silence with the kids asleep and my wife at work. Is that a bad thing? I been cleaning and surfing the web when I pulled out my camera and caught Chester doing one of his most favorite activities!!
He has got one of the best stretches I've seen, especially if he adds a flop-over!!!

Thursday, December 29, 2011

Just chillaxin

Really??? You dont think I can take care of my mess!!!!!!

 I work 50 miles away and commute 2 hours each time I work, but nothing says I'm home like my bun's! When I get home I open their cage and leave it open until I'm done with my chores which usually takes 3 to 4 hours between cooking and cleaning. I let them run around and do their own thing. But you know what's funny, sometimes they will leave pellets behind. Which I know is normal but When I go to scoop the pellets to put back in the litterbox Chester will lunged at me! I feel like he thinks I'm invading his space. What do you think???

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Cleaning House

I decided to rearrange my bunnies abode. I used to have them in a different area of the living room with a snake tank on top of their cage. I hated it, it was very hard to keep clean. their cage was kind of in a dark spot especially with Medusa on top of them!! Now by the window they have more light and I turned their cage around and used the other door of the cage so it opens up into the living room.

AAAAHHHH Bunny under the coffee table!!!

I love to leave the door of the cage open while I'm just doing my thing they can do theirs too!! I really would like to see and read about other people's bunny living spaces.

I love when Chester just spreads out in total contentment
yes it's pretty now but how long til they make it their own???


It's been way to long since my last post! There has been quite a few changes on the bunny front. I no longer have Manny-quinn, he just wasn't fitting in with Chester. I gave him to a family who was looking for just one rabbit. from what I heard he's doing very well!! I now have Annabelle Lee, named after Edgar Allen Poe's Poem, Annabelle Lee. The poem was also quoted in one of my favorite movies, Play Misty For Me starring Clint Eastwood. one of the earliest stalker films I highly recommend it! Two thumbs up. So that got me thinking, of course without telling my wife who would have gave me a flat out NO!!! The next day at work I decided if she was still there I would buy her and she was so I did.
I met her at the same pet store where I got Chester, The WildSide Tropical Fish & Exotic Pets in Tacoma off of 112th and Canyon Road. Anywho I saw her there while buying crickets with my wife for her Bearded Dragon, but that is a whole different subject. I asked about her and was told she was a spayed female who came in with I think another rabbit.
Annabelle Lee stretching out
Having a snack together
I introduced her to Chester and I'll tell you what if he could have spoke to me he would have said "Thanks Dad" love at first sight! I had to make their home bigger so I just combined two cages so that they would have plenty of room for stretching out and such. Their courtship was very quick they took to each other right away. She's still a little timid but she's coming around very well. I would love to hear from others with their bunny bonding stories, like how they did it, what sort of things did they do to make the bonding go easy.