Monday, July 4, 2011

Hot Town Summer In The City.

Happy 4TH to everyone. Today here in Puyallup it's sunny and about 76 degrees. That means fireworks and hot weather, which to our bunny friends thats not a good combo!! When it gets hot out you must take measures to keep your bun cool. Keep the cage out of the sun, and of course always have lots of water on hand. Be sure to keep a close eye on their water bottle!! I always have water bottles in the freezer so that I can throw a couple in the cage for cooling. You can also keep grapes and cherries, or strawberries in the freezer for a bunny popcicle!
And of course on this day in which we celebrate our In dependence, Its very important to be aware to not just bunnies but all of our animal friends. Its a very stressful time most rabbit's would be afraid of fireworks. Not just the loud sounds but also the flashing colors would alarm them.
Even if your rabbit is calm she may still get alarmed or frightened when she hears/sees the fireworks. Try to move your pet to a room that doesn't have windows or is quieter. you can also provide background noise like a fan. Well I hope everyone has a safe and happy 4TH, and take good care of your pet I'm sure they will appreciate it!!!!

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